One Two and Three
a once upon a time in a pandemic blues
Cast out from life’s predictable rhythm
Sucked into pandemic’s unknown prism
A wan whimper not a cataclysm
In these seasons of invisible threat
Through time’s reshaping let us not forget
Fear we do not serve masks us free of debt
Sickness is more than a physical thing
Black and white encompass how colours sing
In uncertainty’s maze patience is king
With informed care our lives fill breath with hope
Through balanced reason life weaves ways to cope
We shall nurture end of bleak tunnel scope
Let our new world unfold and realign
This darkness will eventually shine
Dean reads: a once upon a time in a pandemic blues
Music: Steve Karn (England)
Picture: Dean Pasch (Germany)
Poem: Dean Pasch (Germany)
Steve writes about his piece of music
ONE, TWO and THREE is suitably concerned with incarceration and, although a single element of the comedy classics series I had begun at the end of February this track, in retrospect, seemed pertinent to the growing feeling that we were all to a degree prisoners in our own homes. Some form of open prison maybe, but banged up nonetheless, with real criminal repercussions for anyone found breaking the rules. The melancholy and slightly hysterical mood is leavened by the use of samples taken exclusively from a memorably comic source – Porridge. When Godber comments it’s the “first time for me” he reflects a set of circumstances that were a first for pretty much all of us used to our everyday freedoms. We’ve all done a bit of porridge now.
Dean writes about his poem